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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Do You Want to Invite Kids?

Both sides have blown it completely out of proportion. So, I said and I stand by it. I've been in a metric buttload of weddings in my day, and you know what did not determine whether it was a beautiful wedding? If children were invited. On this issue, I'm in Switzerland cocktail dress... and a Swiss who feels otherwise many countries are entirely too heavy to make much sense.

The fact is that there are plenty of reasons to do any of the options that do not take seriously include your wedding or hate children. Even if you have a preference for wedding dresses sell adult things in life or so I really believe that children should be placed in stasis from birth to 21 years, is really a decision. You get to do, and well.

But what if you're not sure what path to buy  dresses take in this case? How do you decide? Check after the cut and see.




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