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Friday, April 8, 2011

GIVEAWAY: Win a Polli Ring Pendant!

In honor of the fact that it is the first anniversary of my 30th birthday - thanks, Tiffany, from the perspective! - I thought it would be fun to have a little drawing. Lovely wedding girls in Polli, an Australian company super cute, female, who has been certified under CO2, who kindly agreed to participate!

Is not that adorable? Polli When approached, I was squeeing my head. Why? Often when I wear my engagement ring, I use it on a chain around my neck! But I hate the way it stands - look at this pendant and see the perfect, although some chutzpah, the solution to my problem.

Polli is offering Manolo for the Brides readers the chance to win a great and fun "diamond ring" ceiling! To participate, visit Polli and tell me what you choose if you could have anything at all of his candy jewelry, accessories and housewares. I, for one, would love to get a fractal Eco clock for my birthday! So, let me know which product Polli digging, and have an entry in your name.

For additional entries, do any of the following (and leave a comment for each additional entry):

1. As always, you can make an additional entry to add Manolo for the Brides to your blogroll or let us know that we are already collection dresses in your list of links so you can link back to you

2. The score of two additional tickets when you sign up for the newsletter Polli

3. And you can pick up a prom dresses  whopping three extra innings when Tweet this draw or write about this on your own blog!

This giveaway will end at 11:59 pm EST on Sunday, October 31 and the winner - chosen by his friend and mine, the random number generator of trust - will be announced tomorrow. Good luck!



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